Soulful Woman
Retreat Pricing
Pricing includes all food, lodging,
activities and class materials.
Early Bird Registration $500
(Paid by Aug. 15, 2019)
Buddy Discount $525* each
(Register with a friend and pay
before Sept. 15, 2019)
Individual Registration $550
(Paid before Oct. 1, 2019)
Late Registration $575
(Paid after Oct. 1, 2019)
*Payment for both friends must be made by 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 15, 2019 to secure this pricing.
Not sure? Click here to read testimonials from previous participants.
How to register: Make a Payment
Two ways to pay:
By check (no fee incurred) made payable to Prairie Arts Yoga Studio. Postmark will determine the date payment is made.
Mail to:
Prairie Arts Yoga Studio
1447 10th Street
Gering, NE 69341
Click on Pay Now registration button below
(A $5 processing fee will be added)
$500 Early Bird Rate when paid in full by August 15, 2019
$525 Register with a Friend and Pay in Full by Sept. 15, 2019 (Note: if friend does not also register and pay by this date, your rate will revert to the individual registration fee of $550.
$550 Pay in full when registering before 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 15, 2019
$575 Late Registrations paid after 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 15, 2019
Cancellations or Refunds
Facilitator Lisa Betz-Marquez is making significant financial commitments based upon registrations. Therefore, a $200 non-refundable deposit is included in the program registration fee. If you should need to cancel your registration before Sept. 18, 2019, a full refund, minus the deposit, will be refunded. There are no refunds for registrations canceled 30 days or less prior to the event. If you are unable to attend this retreat, please contact facilitator Lisa Betz-Marquez via email at as soon as you are aware of this need.